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Canine osteopathy: a natural approach to your dog's health

Osteopathy aims to restore balance and harmony to the body by treating structural and functional dysfunctions. Although it is often associated with the treatment of humans, osteopathy can also be beneficial for our four-legged friends and its benefits are increasingly valued.
Team Jagger.Lewis
Date of publication
April 20, 2023
Osteopathy aims to restore balance and harmony to the body by treating structural and functional dysfunctions. Although it is often associated with the treatment of humans, osteopathy can also be beneficial for our four-legged friends and its benefits are increasingly valued.
What is canine osteopathy?

Canine osteopathy consists of gentle manual techniques that rebalance the animal's body by correcting musculoskeletal imbalances, joint dysfunctions and tissue tensions. This treatment method aims to promote self-healing by stimulating the natural mechanisms of the dog's body.

Why should you use osteopathy for your dog?

There are several reasons why you might consider seeing an osteopath for your dog:

  1. Canine osteopathy can contribute to the prevention of health problems by maintaining the mobility and flexibility of your dog. It can also help identify and correct imbalances before they become problems.

  2. If your dog is suffering from chronic pain, osteopathy can offer natural, non-invasive relief. The techniques used can improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, and promote tissue healing.

  3. Osteopathy can be useful for the rehabilitation of dogs after injury or surgery, helping to restore normal mobility and function.

  4. For athletic or working dogs, osteopathy can improve performance by optimizing mobility and flexibility, and reducing the risk of injuries.

How does a canine osteopathy session take place?

A canine osteopathy session generally begins with a thorough examination of the animal, including its medical history, behavior, posture and gait. The osteopath will then perform mobility and palpation tests to identify areas of tension or dysfunction.

Once the problems have been identified, the osteopath will proceed with gentle and precise manipulations to restore the balance and normal function of the body. These techniques may include joint mobilizations, muscle stretching, fascia techniques, and massages.

It is important to note that canine osteopathy should only be performed by qualified and experienced professionals. Be sure to consult a qualified canine osteopath recognized by a competent professional organization.

How many sessions are required?

The number of osteopathy sessions required varies according to the dog, its health condition and the nature of the problem. Some dogs may benefit from a single treatment, while others may require multiple sessions to achieve lasting results. The osteopath will assess your dog's progress and adapt the treatment plan accordingly.

What are the benefits of canine osteopathy?

Canine osteopathy offers numerous benefits for the health and well-being of your dog:

  1. Osteopathy can help relieve muscle and joint pain, as well as reduce inflammation.

  2. Osteopathic techniques can help restore mobility and flexibility to joints and muscles, allowing for a better quality of life for your dog.

  3. By correcting imbalances and dysfunctions, osteopathy can contribute to the prevention of future injuries.

  4. Osteopathy can facilitate rehabilitation and recovery after an injury or surgery.

  5. By improving body balance and function, osteopathy can contribute to your dog's overall well-being, by promoting better digestion, better blood flow, and a stronger immune system.

Canine osteopathy is a natural, non-invasive approach that can provide numerous benefits for your dog's health and well-being. By working closely with a qualified osteopath, you can help your dog maintain a healthy and happy life. If you think that your dog could benefit from osteopathy, do not hesitate to consult a professional for personalized advice and recommendations.

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