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Top 5 nautical activities to do with your dog

A lot of dogs love water, just like a lot of humans! So why not enjoy this activity as a duo with your 4-legged sidekick? Water activities can be a great way to spend time with your dog by providing stimulating physical and mental exercise. Discover 5 water sports that Médor will love!
Team Jagger.Lewis
Date of publication
April 3, 2023
A lot of dogs love water, just like a lot of humans! So why not enjoy this activity as a duo with your 4-legged sidekick? Water activities can be a great way to spend time with your dog by providing stimulating physical and mental exercise. Discover 5 water sports that Médor will love!
1. Swimming

A simple and accessible activity, it allows your dog to cool off and exercise. It can be practiced at sea, in a lake or in a river.

Swimming is a complete exercise that uses all of a dog's muscles without putting pressure on their joints. It is therefore particularly beneficial for elderly dogs or dogs with joint problems. Make sure the water is clean and safe for swimming. Always watch your dog and avoid strong currents.

A dog life jacket can be useful, especially if your pet is not an experienced swimmer.

2. The cani-paddle

Paddleboarding is a nautical activity that consists of standing on a board and moving forward using a paddle. You can take your dog on the board with you to share this experience. This allows balance and coordination to be worked on, both for humans and for dogs. This activity also builds trust between you and your animal.

Start in calm, shallow water and make sure your dog feels comfortable on the board before venturing further afield.

A paddle board adapted to the size of your dog, a dog life jacket, and a special leash are recommended.

3. Canoeing

Canoeing is a nautical activity that consists of navigating on water in a light and narrow boat propelled by a paddle. You can take your dog with you for a walk on the water.

Choose a course adapted to your level and make sure that your dog stays calm and does not jump out of the boat.

A dog life jacket, a secure leash, and a towel to dry your pet after the activity are required.

4. Aquatic fetch

Water fetch involves throwing a floating toy into the water for your dog to fetch and bring back. This activity can be done at sea, in a lake or in a pool. Water fetch allows you to combine the physical exercise of swimming with the pleasure of the game.

Choose a floating toy that is easily visible and adapted to the size of your dog. Make sure the water is clean and safe for swimming and always watch your dog.

5. Cani-surfing

Surfing involves gliding over ocean waves using a board. Many dogs are able to learn to surf alongside their owners, for a unique and fun experience. Surfing is a great way to work on your dog's balance and coordination, while strengthening the bond between the two of you.
Make sure your dog is comfortable in the water and with the waves before trying to surf. Always supervise your dog when he is in the water, and be ready to intervene if needed. A surfboard adapted to the size of your dog, a dog life jacket and a special surf leash are recommended.

chien eau

There are many water activities to share with your dog to enjoy the pleasures of the water together. Remember to take into account the necessary precautions and choose the right equipment to ensure the safety and well-being of your animal. Whichever activity you choose, the main thing is to spend quality time with your dog and to strengthen your bond while having fun.
So, don't hesitate to embark on these aquatic adventures to create unforgettable memories and fully enjoy the moments spent with your faithful companion.

Keep the history of your outdoor activities as a duo, thanks to the Jagger&Lewis application!

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