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Why does my dog follow me everywhere?

Understanding why your dog follows you everywhere can help you understand his needs, improve his quality of life, and strengthen your relationship with him. In the Wild, Dogs Live
Team Jagger.Lewis
Date of publication
June 6, 2023
You know the expression “follow like a little dog” well, but then why does Médor need so much to accompany us from the living room to the kitchen, from the kitchen to the living room, to wait for us in front of the shower, to stick his head through the toilet door... We explain everything to you!

Understanding why your dog follows you everywhere can help you understand his needs, improve his quality of life, and strengthen your relationship with him.

1. Dogs are gregarious animals

In the wild, dogs live in packs. As gregarious animals, they naturally need to feel part of a group. As the owner, you represent his pack and following him is a way to stay connected with you. This behavior is embedded in their DNA and reflects their need for belonging and safety.

2. They love your company

Dogs are known for their loyalty and attachment to their families. So it's only natural that they want to spend as much time with you as possible. If your dog follows you everywhere, he may just be enjoying your company. It can also see you as a source of comfort and safety.

3. They need activity

Dogs are energetic creatures that need lots of exercise and mental stimulation. If your dog follows you everywhere, it could be a sign that he is bored and in need of more activity. Try spending more time playing with him or taking him for a walk to see if that changes his behavior.

4. They are anxious or worried

A dog that follows you constantly can also be stressed. This behavior can be caused by separation, a novelty in the environment, a disturbing event, or even an illness. If you think your dog is anxious, it's important to provide support and seek help from a veterinarian or dog behaviorist.

5. They want your attention

Finally, if your dog follows you everywhere, it may be that he is just trying to get your attention. Dogs are very attached to their owners and love to receive caresses, compliments, and treats. If your dog is used to being rewarded for your attention when he follows you, chances are he will continue to do so.

How do you deal with this behavior?
Encourage independence

It is important that your dog feels comfortable even when he is not around you. You can encourage his independence by creating a comfortable space for him in your home, such as a cozy bed or a corner with his favorite toys. Reward him when he stays in that place.

Provide enough exercise and mental stimulation

As mentioned earlier, a lack of exercise and mental stimulation can lead to your dog following you everywhere. Make sure he gets enough physical and mental activity to keep him busy. This may involve regular walks, play sessions, interactive toys or chewing moments...

Consult a professional if necessary

If your dog's behavior becomes excessive and he seems anxious or stressed when he can't keep up with you, it may be helpful to see a professional. A canine behaviorist or veterinarian can give you specific advice and help you manage your dog's behavior.


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